Search Results

Sunday, June 21, 2009


[this will be replaced by a more detailed analysis at a later time, when the data is less green and the materials presently blocked by the Iranian government's media blackout become available.]

For the time being:

I would like to extend my support to the protesters, and condolences to those who have lost family or friends in the violent government reactions.

I would further encourage legitimate political leaders to not acknowledge the legitimacy of the present Iranian "government" until such a time as it consents to have an election that hasn't been blatantly rigged.

Perhaps more practically (being mindful of the dearth of political leaders among my readership) I would encourage my readers to contact their political leaders and let them know that acknowledging the present, illegitimate government of Iran would be unpopular among their people/voters/whatever.

A wide public acknowledgment of the legitimacy of the "election" would steal steam from the Iranian revolt (too much blood has been shed to call the incidents "protests," but perhaps too little to term it a revolution, particularly since the unseating of the Ayatollah does not seem to be a stated objective, yet. Also because the revolt does not yet seem to have a centralized leadership ready to take command of the country should the government be toppled).

To the people of Iran, our sympathies are with you. Our own country is rooted in revolution and in the principle that power accrues to, and issues from the people. If that power has gone astray, those who die reclaiming it are martyrs.

Nothing less.


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